Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Friends. How many of us have them. Friends. Ones we can depend on"

What is it about having a new baby that suddenly draws people to you?? It is so wierd. I have had people contact me that I barely ever even spoke to when I was in high school. Maybe their just curious and maybe their just nosy, but mostly I think they are so fake.

Like I have come across some fake people in my life, but it seems like now that I have had a baby more and more fakes seem drawn to me. What is it? I even had this chick who supposedly hated me in high school (who I barely knew by the way) send me a friend request on facebook. So I messaged her. I said "So all of a sudden you wanna be my friend?" and she says "What's that supposed to mean?" and I said "Hell, what do you think it means. We are not cool. I don't like you."

It's stupid. And so ridiculous. It makes me mad, but then it makes me laugh. Because I am not a grudge holding person, but I am not stupid either. I can see right through these people. I have very few friends and I am not to quick to jump and call someone my friend just because they send me a stupid request or message on facebook. Like what the fuck, people. Be real now!! Gosh! I mean I can get along with most people, but these people are actin like we are best buds all of a sudden (not the girl mentioned in the previous paragraph, but other people). Wierd...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Post-Thanksgiving Post

Sooo... Yesterday was Thanksgiving. But it was soooo lame. It was just me and my mom. (My little sister went with her dad to visit family in Florida) Not to sound ungrateful or anything...But it was sooo boring. We stayed in the house, just the three of us (me, my mom, and Paris, of course). The food was really good, but it was not like our usual holidays. Usually we go over to my grandma's with the rest of the family, but not this year. I didn't want to leave the house anyway, but I hate being cooped up in the house. I feel like a prisoner. The last place I was at when I was out of the house was the hospital. Ugh! And I couldn't really leave if I wanted to...the pain!! (We won't go into details, but yea I'm hurting a little bit.)

Granted, most of my family visited at the hospital and the house, when I got home, but no one came to visit yesterday. And I know everyone was over my grandma's house. And that really stinks, because I wanted to see everyone. I think they should have come to visit since they all knew I've been on house arrest basically--but that's another story all together. My aunt did call to see how I was doing, though. So I'll give her that.

Now that I have typed all this I kind of feel bad. Thanksgiving is supposed to be a day of thanks, but I bet I sound so ungrateful right now. But, we can't help how we feel right? Well, I do have a lot to be thankful for. Let me list those things, and maybe I can sort of make up for the negativity in this post... brand new baby, my mother (who has been a BIG help), my dad (who always is a big help to me), my little sister (who has also done the best she can to help), my loving boyfriend and his family, my family, my brand new baby, my health, my strength, the fact that this semester is going so well despite everything, my God-given energy that has allowed me to do so well and keep myself motivated, my brand new baby, my friends, and my new baby

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

She's Here!!!

So, she came Saturday, the 17that 1:58 pm.---Paris Nicole Collins. She was 8 lbs 2 oz and BEAUTIFUL!! I can't tell ya'll how excited I am that she is finally here.

The labor, if you care to know(lol), was surprisingly easy. Once I had the epidural, I couldn't feel much of anything. And when it finally came time to push, I pushed about 5 times and that was it. It was over. It probably took like 10 min. But I had been in the hospital since 8 the morning before. (The first time they induced my contractions, it didnt really work. I guess they weren't strong enough; I don't know) But I was glad it was over. I finally had my baby, outside of my stomach. And I could finally eat (They wouldn't let me eat while they were inducing me, which was hours...)

So, me and Paris came home Monday at about 1 or 2 and I haven't really been able to put her down since. It is so wierd, because other people's kids start to annoy me after a while. But, I even love it when she cries!! How crazy is that?! All she does really now is eat and sleep, eat and sleep. I want to play with her, but she doesnt seem interested (lol). But, even so, I still can't get bored or tired of her. I know it's because she's new right now, but I don't think I could ever get tired of her....we'll see though. :)

So, thanks everyone for thinking of me. I have been truly blessed. And thanks Emily for the visit, I really appreciated it. (And the gift of course. As soon as I get the chance, I am headed straight for the mall. (lol)

Continue to pray for me and my BEAUTIFUL new baby...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

No, It Didn't Happen...

Sooo, Emily called me today and said the class thought I went into labor. LoL. No, sorry guys, not this time. I just had a doctor's appointment. As a matter of fact when she called I was waiting to talk to my doctor. (It was super crowded today. I was there for hours!!!)---It's nice to know ya'll cared. :)---Anyway, so today, sadly, was not the big day. However, tomorrow is supposed to be...

...I am scheduled tomorrow at 8 in the morning to be induced at Baptist Memorial East. I am sooo excited. My mom says I should wait. As a matter of fact, my dad thinks I should wait too, or at least give it until Monday and see if she comes. But, I can't wait. Plus, they say it's my decision so... Plus, all I keep thinking about is how bad I want to see what she looks like and to hold her and smell her (I love how baby's smell) and to hear her cry even (although I know I will regret saying that-lol-). Plus, I have to think about school. And knowing and having her here is better than anticipating an unknown day, right?? I hope I'm doing the right thing. I'm praying about it really hard. So far, I haven't gotten any signs really that I shouldn't do it...Well with the exceptions of my parents saying I should wait. But, my mom is always paranoid about junk anyway and my dad didn't really advise me against it; he said he just gave his opinion because I called and asked for it.

So, wish me luck, and pray that all goes well tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Column A, Column B...

Everyone knows that vegetables are good for us. Okra is not one of better tasting of these vegetables, especially slimy okra, but it is still beneficial. Education is like okra. Not everyone likes school, and not everyone likes to be educated. But education is something that individuals have to have in order to be successful. It may not "taste" good, or you may not enjoy it, but it is still beneficial. Education, like okra, is not a necessity to survival, but it is a wise addition if you wish to advance.
Looking at my Column A list, I am very proud to say that there are not as many material things on my like list. Most of the items that came to mind are qualities in myself or others that I value. God is at the top of my list, because I really value my faith, and I am trying to grow as a Christian. The only material items on my list are clothes, shoes, food, and money. I love to look nice and dress up, I can eat forever, and everyone likes to have money. But I also tried to think of the important things in my life. I listed education, self-advancement, being motivated, family, strong relationships, independence, music, being open to new things, and love. These are the types of things that I hold most dear. I am not trying to make myself seem deep, this is just really how I feel and what came to mind when making my list. So, what does this say about me? I would say that I am down to earth, and although I still have a lot of growing to do, I think for the most part I have my priorities in order. I try to pay attention to what's most important and what is going to last. Material things are not forever.
Hate is not a healthy emotion/mindset. Everyone has issues with people sometimes, but hate is an unnecessary evil. Hate arises from the unwillingness to be open-minded, to forgive. Closed-mindedness causes hatefulness. People hate because they are too stubborn to be open to other people's differences or whatever it is that may be holding them back. You have to be open-minded enough to say, "I am not going to succumb to hate."

Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Ah Ha"

Everyone has had an “ah ha” moment at one point in their life I suppose, but most of mine are more like “ah ha” periods. They usually span over a length of time that eventually leads to that moment of realization where I would say “Ah Ha”.

One of my greatest “ah ha” moments, or time periods, would be the time span which led to me realizing that I really wanted to go law school. I have always been interested in law, but I have also had my doubts about it as well. I wondered if I really wanted to be in school that long. And I wondered if law was something I would really be dedicated to or if it was just a passing interest that I would grow tired of. At one point, I had even changed my mind and decided that I didn’t want to go through that much extra schooling. Little did I realize that I would soon change my mind yet again—this time permanently.

During my sophomore year in high school, I joined the Mock Court Trial Club. Like I said, I was interested in law, and I thought that it would be something fun to do. (I still had it in my mind that I did not have the patience to actually become a real lawyer.) Well, Mock Trial actually proved to be more serious than I thought. We learned actual courtroom etiquette, rules, and laws. Then, there was an actual attorney who came in and coached us on these techniques and guidelines. All this was in preparation for a competition against another school.

I would say that all this preparation and participation in Mock Trial at my high school led to the realization that I really was genuinely interested in becoming an attorney. But the actual “ah ha” period was the duration of the Mock Trial competition. The interesting thing is that my part in the competition was not that of a lawyer but that of a witness. However, the witnesses go through the same type of preparation as a lawyer. As a witness, I had to know how to answer the questions asked in ways that help my side and hurt the opposing side. I had to know the rules of the courtroom as well as laws in case my lawyer got tripped up and needed me to help him/her out. Witnesses also had to know the facts of the case better than anyone since we were portraying a certain character that had to be realistic. Not only that, but I was an expert witness. As an expert witness I had to know the facts and be able to recite them in an intelligent, professional manner when asked about them. My training for the case was really not all that different from the attorneys’.

So I was called to the stand, and I was so nervous. What if I forgot an important fact? Or what if I said something that hurt our case? But after the first couple of establishing questions like “Please state your name for the court.” and “What is your occupation?”, my nervousness died down. At the end of the trial, the other team/school was actually declared the winner, but the “judge” of the case, who was actually a practicing attorney, also had to name the “best lawyer” and “best witness” from each side. For our side, I was awarded “best witness”, and the “judge” said he even thought I was the best witness in the entire trial. I was actually surprised, because I thought I could have done so much better. This made the moment even more spectacular because it wasn’t even my best and it still turned out to be the best in the competition. All my studying and preparation had actually paid off, and I thought to myself, “This must be what it feels like to win a court trial.”

Even though my school did not win that Mock Trial competition, and even though I did not actually play the part of a lawyer, that moment when I was named “best witness”, and my feelings in response, proved my desire to be an attorney. I knew then, that I liked the challenge of studying all the laws and rules and then appealing to the judge or jury in the courtroom. I liked putting on the business suit and presenting those facts in a professional manner. It was fun to me, not work. I realized that law school would be much more of a challenge but that it would lead to the realization of my dream, so it would be worth it. The training leading up to the competition was the road to my “ah ha” moment, and the conclusion of the trial was where that “ah ha” moment came into full focus.


Well... It is the day after my due date, and I am still pregnant. I knew that I probably wasn't going to go into labor yesterday. But I am getting really impatient for some reason even though I know I could be a week or two overdue. I guess I am just so anxious to get it over with. And I don't know if I should go to school this week. I really don't want to miss any more classes than I absolutely have to. Then again I don't want my water to suddenly break while I am walking across campus or sitting in class.

I don't really feel close to labor. But, I really don't know how it feels when you are close to giving birth. My friend has a baby, and she told me that it will happen when I least expect it. But, shouldn't I feel some pains or something as some kind of warning? Well, I feel the same as I have been for the past nine months. I don't feel any heavier, any lower, or any more pain. So, I guess I probably will go to school tomorrow, and the next day if I am still pregnant. Let's just hope I don't go into labor while I am actually at school!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Last Day in Hell (and other true stories)

Ok, so yesterday was FINALLY my last day to work at Target!!! Yay!! I meant to blog about this then, but I had a Calculus test to study for. So anyway. . .

ONE THING about working in retail that I don't really like is how people who are in the store all the time feel that they know you just because they see you A LOT. It's one thing to be friendly, but some people honestly act like I am their best friend just because they see me in Target all the time. But lately all I get are the pregnancy comments: "Oh you're getting SOOO BIG!!!" (something you say to a growing 8-year-old, not a pregnant person) or "You must be having twins!!" (I am pretty sure I'm not, but I definetly do NOT want to entertain that thought) or "Wow! I couldn't even tell you were pregnant last time I saw you. Has it been that long?" (like I am an old friend or something, but 'I am pretty sure I don't even know you"-I think). It goes on and on.

THE WORST thing about being pregnant is the ASTOUNDING NUMBER OF STRANGERS with the sudden URGE to TOUCH ME!!! I might as well post a sign on my belly that says "Rub Here". I mean, you don't go around rubbing on complete strangers stomachs when they aren't pregnant. Why does the fact that someone is pregnant spark the idea that it is okay to touch them even when you don't know them. SOME PEOPLE DON'T EVEN ASK!! It's annoying, and wierd. It's just a belly. Would you go up to a FAT MAN and rub his stomach just because it's poking out?? I mean, really. It's one thing if I know you, but if I don't... It's just wierd.

OH BUT I WAS TALKING about my LAST DAY IN HELL. So, like I said, yesterday was my last day at work. I am officially on maternity leave. It feels soooooooooo good, like indescribably good. Nothing eventful happened really. Sorry I don't have some crazy event to rehash. I just got person after person telling me how big my stomach was and how labor was going to be. I don't know why everyone can't be like the occasional person who says "Congrats" and keeps it moving. I like that. Or the people who don't even comment at all. I get the fortune tellers who keep telling me I am having a boy because I am carrying so low (It's a girl; I have had 3 ultrasounds) or that I won't make it until Saturday (my due date--They always ask my due date, then basically say that it's wrong). And this phrase I must have heard 50 times last night: "Oh my! You look like you're about to pop!" I mean, what do you say to that?? And, a person can only fake a realistic laugh so many times before it gets REALLY REALLY OLD.

SO THAT was my last day in hell. But now that I think about it, there is nothing really here that makes it too much different from any other day. It wasn't so hellish really last night, just a little tiring and annoying...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Random Post

I really don't know what to write about, so I guess I will write about my day...

So today I went to church. It was better than your average Sunday morning since I got an extra hour of sleep. I didn't have nearly as much trouble getting up. The service was good, and my mom drove (I usually have to drive).

After church, I came home, ate, and took a cat nap. Then I dragged myself off the couch to change so I could go to my dreaded job at Target...

Today at work was pretty average, except no one really yelled at me, which was good. I think I only got like one angry guest, but she wasn't too crazy. Nothing really interesting happened to tell the truth. The only semi-interesting event was some cashier took some counterfeit bills. I do not know why we don't have the little pens to check the bills, but we dont. And for some reason the cashier forgot to hold the fifties up to the light to check for the president's face in the background. I don't know how she ended up checking after the fact, but she did and told one of the managers. So a report was written and the fake bills were put in the cash office. It wasn't really a big event, because people come in and try to scam us all the time. Like some new cashier took a check a little while ago and ran it as cash because the lady told her that someone at guest service told her that it had to be done that way. Now if it would have been me, I would have at least called or took the check up to guest service and asked someone to be sure. That story doesn't even sound right. Why in the world would we run a check that's been declined as a cash transaction??? Well the cashier didn't ask, so whoever this lady was got away with a butt load of stuff.

I could tell a lot of stories about Target, but I don't like that place enough to keep going on about it, plus I have things to do--like write about my earliest memory.

So to sum this up: This was just a post about my boring, uneventful day.