Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Column A, Column B...

Everyone knows that vegetables are good for us. Okra is not one of better tasting of these vegetables, especially slimy okra, but it is still beneficial. Education is like okra. Not everyone likes school, and not everyone likes to be educated. But education is something that individuals have to have in order to be successful. It may not "taste" good, or you may not enjoy it, but it is still beneficial. Education, like okra, is not a necessity to survival, but it is a wise addition if you wish to advance.
Looking at my Column A list, I am very proud to say that there are not as many material things on my like list. Most of the items that came to mind are qualities in myself or others that I value. God is at the top of my list, because I really value my faith, and I am trying to grow as a Christian. The only material items on my list are clothes, shoes, food, and money. I love to look nice and dress up, I can eat forever, and everyone likes to have money. But I also tried to think of the important things in my life. I listed education, self-advancement, being motivated, family, strong relationships, independence, music, being open to new things, and love. These are the types of things that I hold most dear. I am not trying to make myself seem deep, this is just really how I feel and what came to mind when making my list. So, what does this say about me? I would say that I am down to earth, and although I still have a lot of growing to do, I think for the most part I have my priorities in order. I try to pay attention to what's most important and what is going to last. Material things are not forever.
Hate is not a healthy emotion/mindset. Everyone has issues with people sometimes, but hate is an unnecessary evil. Hate arises from the unwillingness to be open-minded, to forgive. Closed-mindedness causes hatefulness. People hate because they are too stubborn to be open to other people's differences or whatever it is that may be holding them back. You have to be open-minded enough to say, "I am not going to succumb to hate."

1 comment:

Wendy said...

good job. I hate okra too.