Thursday, November 15, 2007

No, It Didn't Happen...

Sooo, Emily called me today and said the class thought I went into labor. LoL. No, sorry guys, not this time. I just had a doctor's appointment. As a matter of fact when she called I was waiting to talk to my doctor. (It was super crowded today. I was there for hours!!!)---It's nice to know ya'll cared. :)---Anyway, so today, sadly, was not the big day. However, tomorrow is supposed to be...

...I am scheduled tomorrow at 8 in the morning to be induced at Baptist Memorial East. I am sooo excited. My mom says I should wait. As a matter of fact, my dad thinks I should wait too, or at least give it until Monday and see if she comes. But, I can't wait. Plus, they say it's my decision so... Plus, all I keep thinking about is how bad I want to see what she looks like and to hold her and smell her (I love how baby's smell) and to hear her cry even (although I know I will regret saying that-lol-). Plus, I have to think about school. And knowing and having her here is better than anticipating an unknown day, right?? I hope I'm doing the right thing. I'm praying about it really hard. So far, I haven't gotten any signs really that I shouldn't do it...Well with the exceptions of my parents saying I should wait. But, my mom is always paranoid about junk anyway and my dad didn't really advise me against it; he said he just gave his opinion because I called and asked for it.

So, wish me luck, and pray that all goes well tomorrow!!!


cline said...

Ahh! That's so exciting! I hope everything goes well!!

emilyanne said... better call me! i wanna come see her! so exciting!

Wendy said...

We're thinking about you. I hope you're holding her right now, snuggled up to her lovely little smell and enjoying that sweet little cry (it gets bigger).

Poon said...

I hope that you have your holding your baby right now ;3