Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Friends. How many of us have them. Friends. Ones we can depend on"

What is it about having a new baby that suddenly draws people to you?? It is so wierd. I have had people contact me that I barely ever even spoke to when I was in high school. Maybe their just curious and maybe their just nosy, but mostly I think they are so fake.

Like I have come across some fake people in my life, but it seems like now that I have had a baby more and more fakes seem drawn to me. What is it? I even had this chick who supposedly hated me in high school (who I barely knew by the way) send me a friend request on facebook. So I messaged her. I said "So all of a sudden you wanna be my friend?" and she says "What's that supposed to mean?" and I said "Hell, what do you think it means. We are not cool. I don't like you."

It's stupid. And so ridiculous. It makes me mad, but then it makes me laugh. Because I am not a grudge holding person, but I am not stupid either. I can see right through these people. I have very few friends and I am not to quick to jump and call someone my friend just because they send me a stupid request or message on facebook. Like what the fuck, people. Be real now!! Gosh! I mean I can get along with most people, but these people are actin like we are best buds all of a sudden (not the girl mentioned in the previous paragraph, but other people). Wierd...


Poon said...

I love people like that. I got this now Senior at CBHS trying to friend me on Facebook. I declined it and sent him a message saying, "you acted like a douchebag in class every single day of the year. Hell no I'm not friending your ass."

cline said...

Haha! I hate random people who friend you. There were all these lower classmen at St. Mary's who kept trying to be my what the hell? You're probably 15, annoying, bitchy, etc.

emilyanne said...

i get so many friend requests from people i dont know! ill be checking my friend requests and be like who is this? most of them are friends of my boyfriend that friend me just because im his girlfriend and im like..uhh i dont know you. it is because people are nosy. they just want to talk us on facebook...its funny

MJM said...

Yea there is something about a new baby that draws people in. Babies just are interesting to people I guess